How to Sell Your Art Online and Actually Make Money

Congratulations! You’ve managed to complete a few works of art, and now you want to sell them online. Or, maybe you’ve been selling your art offline for a while, but you’re ready to expand your reach by venturing into the online world. Either way, it’s a fantastic decision! Selling your art online opens up a whole new world of potential customers.

But before you get too excited, there are a few things you need to know if you want to be successful. Keep reading to find out how to make money selling your art online.

1. Do Your Research

The first step to selling your art online is doing your research. You need to know your target market, what other artists in your genre are selling their work for, and what platforms will work best for reaching your target market. Don’t skimp on this step, or you’ll likely end up frustrated later on down the road.

Depending on your genre, your target market could be anyone from professional art collectors to someone who’s simply looking for a unique piece to hang in their home. Knowing who you’re targeting will help you determine where to sell your work and how to market it. If you’re not sure where to start, try searching for art fairs or galleries in your area that specialize in your genre of art. This will give you a good idea of what type of work is selling and how much.

2. Find the Right Platform

Once you know who you’re selling to and what other artists are doing, it’s time to find the right platform for reaching your target market. The options here are nearly endless, but some popular choices include Etsy, eBay, Fine Art America, and Society6. Do some digging and find the one that makes the most sense for you and your business.

You might consider setting up your own website if you’re selling more high-end pieces. This will give you more control over how much you charge for your work and how you present it to potential buyers. Setting up social media accounts on platforms like Instagram and Facebook is also a good idea. These can drive traffic to your website and give potential customers a peek into your work.

Web design plans drawn on sheets of paper

3. Create Compelling Product Descriptions

Once you’ve found the perfect platform for selling your art, it’s time to start listing your products! When writing your product descriptions, include key information about the piece, such as the size, medium, shipping costs, etc. Also, write a compelling description that will sell the piece itself. Use persuasive language and paint a picture of how incredible this piece will look in the buyer’s home. Be as creative as possible!

4. Promote Your Listings

Now that your listings are live, it’s time to start promoting them! Use social media, email marketing, and any other channels you have at your disposal to spread the word about your latest artwork. The more people see it, the better your chance of making a sale. And don’t forget to promote each listing individually—don’t just lump all of them together in one big post or email blast!

If you need help getting started, there are plenty of resources out there, including articles (like this one), eBooks, and even online courses. You may also benefit from working with a professional digital advertising agency that specializes in promoting artwork online. If you have the budget for it, this could be a great way to get your art in front of more potential buyers.

5. Set Reasonable Prices

One common mistake artists make when selling their work online is pricing their pieces too high (or too low). If you price yourself too low, then people will think that your work isn’t worth very much, and they’ll be less likely to buy it. On the other hand, if you price yourself too high, then people won’t be willing (or able) to pay what you’re asking, and again, they’ll move on without making a purchase. Explore what other artists in your genre are charging for similar pieces and use that as a guide when setting prices for your own work.

You should also remember that most people are willing to pay more for artwork they can hang in their home than they would for, say, a piece of jewelry or a t-shirt. So, if you’re selling smaller items like these, you might need to adjust your prices accordingly. Try to strike a balance between what you need to make a profit and what the market will bear.

Selling art online can be a great way to make extra money—but only if you do it right! Be sure to take the time to do your research before getting started so that you can set yourself up for success from day one. With a little effort and patience, you can build a thriving business selling your artwork to customers worldwide.

The Author


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